Venture into farming a new crop with guidance from Farm Monitor’s Crop Calendar, a farm activity schedule for each crop curated from over 10 years of farming in Nigeria
Plan like a pro using Farm Monitor’s automatically created crop farming budget
Be on top of your game by knowing the usable parts of the day with the accurate weather conditions to expect every day customized specifically for your geographically mapped farm field
Curb overspending and wastefulness on the farm with Farm Monitor’s Finance and Inventory Manager. It provides insight into costs incurred and sales, generating estimations, expectations and a farming season budget tailor-made for the crop, farm location and season you choose
Know the effect of every weather condition on your growing crop with Farm Monitor’s Satellite generated, processed and analyzed image feed taken every 5 days
Secure Your Farm Investment with Unparalleled Visibility and Transparency!
Invest and support farm projects with certainty knowing that they will be profitable
Measure insurance risks accurately with Farm Monitor’s productivity and performance calculator
Ascertain farms productivity even before harvest season with Farm Monitor’s Productivity estimates, a combination of live data, Artificial intelligence and historical data
Auto-generated but customizable crop calendar that holds all activities to be executed on the farm within the farming season
Crop type, soil and estimated yield forecast speeds up suitability and sustainability analysis
Farm Monitor provides farm co-ordinates, farm boundaries, actual size, soil and location analysis all from one integrated map interface
Vetting and Prequalification of borrower for loans is fast and cheap since Farm Monitor knows farms with the right Crop Health Indicators.
With all the farm project data in Farm Monitor’s Stakeholder’s Dashboard, remote audit is at your fingertips
The platform can use predictive analytics to forecast future farm performance, giving financiers greater insight into the potential returns of their investment
With our AI-powered platform, large-scale farmers can optimize their farming operations and maximize their yield, all while minimizing their effort.
Plan your farm projects professionally, map farms to ascertain scope, ‘tailor-made’ Economics of production (EOPs), crop calendar, check variances based on estimated VS actual project parameters, track risk and estimate required resources
Make decisions based on historic and real-time data from farm workers with Farm Monitor Activity Log and Crop Health Log stamped with geo-coordinates and timestamps to ensure data integrity
Remotely monitor crop health of your farm using processed and analyzed (with NDVI, NDRE, MSAVI, RECI, indices) satellite image snapshots taken of your farm field every 5 days
Be notified of emergencies the instant they happen using Farm Monitor Mobile Emergency notification and take action appropriate.
Farm Monitor Crop Calendar is a crop farming schedule curated from over 10 years of farming in Nigeria
Curb overspending and wastefulness on the farm with Farm Monitor Finance Manager. It provides cost estimations and farming season budgets tailor-made for the crop, farm location and season you choose
Curb embezzlement with Farm Monitor Inventory Manager
We notify the farmers of weather forecast so that farmers are always ahead of their game and can take advantage of the usable part of the day
Farm Monitor Africa is an agriculture project management and monitoring company dedicated to enhancing agricultural performance, productivity, profitability and sustainability across Africa. Our mission is to De-risk the players and processes of primary production by providing solutions, tools and strategies that improve resilience to climate change, facilitate good agronomic practice (GAP) and ensure sustainable access to finance by farmers.
© Farm Monitor. All Rights Reserved.